How to tell the difference between a real and a fake sandalwood fan? Price and fragrance are the key points.

A sandalwood fan emits a unique sweet and gentle fragrance every time you look up at it. The beauty of the openwork carving that brings out the texture of the wood is also attractive, and many people may be longing to have a real sandalwood fan someday. Although sandalwood fans are sought after by many people, one needs to be somewhat careful when purchasing them, as there are counterfeit ones on the market that are made of materials other than sandalwood. In this article, we will show you how to distinguish between genuine and fake sandalwood fans. Please check the characteristics of genuine sandalwood fans to help you in your shopping.

Sandalwoodfolding fanBasic Knowledge of Sandalwood

General,folding fanis often used to cool off by elevating it, but some people enjoy the fragrance when they elevate it.folding fanThere is also a type of made from sandalwood, an aromatic tree.folding fanis a luxury product known for its elegant fragrance. First of all, such sandalwoodfolding fanI would like to share with you some basic knowledge of sandalwood.

Sandalwoodfolding fanand what is

sandalwoodfolding fanis made from sandalwood, one of the most famous fragrant woods.folding fanSandalwood is also known as "sandalwood. Sandalwood, also known as "sandalwood," is a plant used to make incense such as senkou (incense sticks). Sandalwood is characterized by the fragrance of the wood itself, which has a sweet, woody, gentle odor. It is used not only as a fragrance, but also as a material for carving Buddhist statues and prayer beads.

Sandalwoodfolding fanSandalwood is produced in Suzhou, China. In Suzhou, China, sandalwood is often sold as souvenirs.folding fanare often sold as souvenirs. However, sandalwood, which is very rare, tends to be difficult to obtain. Sandalwood in the marketfolding fanMany of the products distributed on the market as sandalwood are fakes with artificially added fragrance. Therefore, sandalwoodfolding fanIf you are considering purchasing sandalwood, we recommend that you check how to tell the difference between genuine and fake sandalwood. 

Sandalwood is known as a rare and expensive aromatic wood. The reason for this is that it takes more than several decades for the sandalwood tree to grow and release its fragrance. Another reason is that it is difficult to plant sandalwood trees artificially and it takes a lot of time for the wood to begin to smell once it is cut down. In addition, sandalwood is difficult to obtain because India, the country of origin of sandalwood, regulates its export.

Sandalwoodfolding fanAttractiveness of sandalwood

sandalwoodfolding fanThe main attraction of sandalwood is the sweet and elegant aroma of the fragrant wood.folding fanThe fragrance spreads every time you look up at thefolding fanThe "sandalwood" is a unique feature not found in the "sandalwood". Also, sandalwoodfolding fanis also attractive as a handicraft. The wooden fan surface, decorated with openwork and paintings, is beautifully designed to make the wearer look graceful. High Value Sandalwoodfolding fanis a high-valuefolding fanis classified as "high-class". As mentioned above, another key point is the high rarity of the material sandalwood itself. Sandalwood also gives you a special feeling just by having it.folding fanis one of the charms of owning sandalwood.

Sandalwoodfolding fanHow to tell the difference between real and fake sandalwood

If you want to enjoy the scent of sandalwood itself,folding fanauthentic sandalwood when you buyfolding fansandalwood when you buy genuine sandalwood. What should you look for to avoid fakes? Here are some tips on how to avoid fake sandalwoodfolding fanHere are some tips on how to tell the difference between genuine and fake sandalwood.

Distinguish by scent

Genuine Sandalwoodfolding fanis characterized by a scent that gradually fades over time. However, real sandalwoodfolding fanwood itself, the fragrance can be restored with care. Wipe the wood with a damp and tightly wrung cloth to remove surface dirt, and the fragrance will be restored. After cleaning, dry it thoroughly. In this way, the fragrance that lasts longer with proper care is genuine sandalwood.folding fanwith proper care is considered to be genuine sandalwood.


In addition, sandalwoodfolding fanThere are also ways to distinguish genuine from counterfeit sandalwood by the intensity of its scent. Genuine sandalwoodfolding fanhas a rather subdued fragrance. When you look up at it, you can smell its elegant and natural fragrance. In contrast, fake sandalwoodfolding fanon the other hand, are made with synthetic fragrances and tend to have a strong scent. If the fragrance is so strong that it spreads throughout the room, or if the fragrance disappears without returning even after care, it is likely that the fragrance has been added afterwards.

Distinguish by price range

Because sandalwood is so rare, real sandalwoodfolding fantends to be expensive, with prices in the 100,000-200,000 yen range. On the other hand, synthetic sandalwoodfolding fanare inexpensive and are sold for several hundred to several thousand yen. Thus, a product whose price is significantly lower than the market price is basically considered not to be made of sandalwood. In many cases, they are made by adding the scent of sandalwood to another wood, and are not real sandalwoodfolding fansandalwood. Some products are made of fake sandalwood, even though they are made of sandalwood.folding fansandalwood, even though the material is sandalwood. Genuine sandalwoodfolding fanIf you are looking for genuine sandalwood, you should buy it from a reliable specialty store.

Recommended sandalwoodfolding fan

Founded in the Edo periodfolding fanThe long-established "IbasenIn the "Sandalwoodfolding fanWe deal in sandalwood. Sandalwood listed in our online storefolding fanproducts listed in our online shop are also available at our store in Nihonbashi, Tokyo. Sandalwoodfolding fanPlease feel free to contact us if you are looking for

Please note that the products may be sold out. Please understand.

Overseas Productionfolding fanSandalwoodfolding fan folding fanin a paulownia wood box

Sandalwood made of real sandalwood from Indonesiafolding fanIt is made of sandalwood from Indonesia. The elegant sweet fragrance of sandalwood wafts gently when you look up at it, and you can enjoy its fragrance for a long time by taking care of it. The fan surface is beautifully processed using a traditional technique from the Nanjing Dynasty in China. Sandalwoodfolding fanThe elegant and fashionable design that makes the most of the texture of the wood is unique to sandalwood.

Overseas Productionfolding fanSandalwoodfolding fanSunflowerfolding fanin a paulownia wood box

Sandalwood made from Indonesian sandalwoodfolding fanThe inner frame and the fan face are decorated with sunflowers. The inner frame and the fan face are decorated with sunflowers. Please enjoy the gorgeous design of sunflowers, which were painted in detail using the traditional technique of the Nanjing Dynasty in China. Made from genuine sandalwoodfolding fanis a precious item, and its great charm is that you can enjoy its elegant fragrance for a long time.

Overseas productionfolding fanSandalwoodfolding fanYang Kwun Yifolding fanin a paulownia wood box

Sandalwood made from real sandalwoodfolding fanThe fan is made of sandalwood. The fan face depicts Queen Yang Guifei, known as one of the four most beautiful women in China. The beautiful pattern expressed by openwork carving is a major attraction. The graceful impression and design that attracts the wearer is the result of a traditional technique from the Nanjing Dynasty in China. Enjoy the sweet and gentle fragrance and the beauty of the crafted sandalwood.folding fanIt is a beautiful and sweetly fragrant sandalwood. This product includes,folding fanand a paulownia box. Sandalwood with a special designfolding fanPlease contact us if you are looking for a

Sandalwood with a hold on how to recognize the real thingfolding fanand enjoy!

Sandalwood so farfolding fanWe have told you how to tell the difference between genuine and fake sandalwood. Genuine sandalwoodfolding fanhas a rather subdued fragrance and lasts longer with care. Another point to distinguish between genuine and fake is that the market price of sandalwood is high, ranging from 100,000 to 200,000 yen, due to the high scarcity of the material. When shopping, please refer to the points on how to distinguish between the two.folding fanLong-established companies inIbasenThen, sandalwoodfolding fanWe are pleased to offer a wide range of sandalwood products. You can browse our products in our online store and in our stores, so you can find the sandalwoodfolding fanin our online shop and in our stores.