Cherry Blossom Collection

Ukiyoe Special

Shikebiki fan

2024 New work: Indigo Dyeingfolding fan

Claude Monet "La Japonaise

Jacues Averna Edofolding fan

Zodiac Signs by French Designerfolding fan


天正18 年創業 歴史深い扇子の老舗「伊場仙」

IbasenIBAYA KANZAEMON was founded by IBAYA Kanzaemon, a merchant from Hamamatsu who went to Edo with Tokugawa Ieyasu.

In the late Edo periodround fanIn the latter half of the Edo period, the company began to deal in ukiyo-e (woodblock prints) and became the publisher of popular artists such as Toyokuni Utagawa I, Kuniyoshi Utagawa, and Hiroshige Utagawa, and also produced ukiyo-e prints.round fanUkiyo-e prints were printed on paper and sold, gaining popularity.

Edofolding fanand Edoround fanPlease enjoy the chic of the

Edofolding fanis characterized by the simplicity and "iki" of its patterns.

「UmakuikuEdo, such as "mubyo" and "mubyofolding fannot only keep cool, but also bring auspicious meanings.

Why not incorporate the chic obsessions of the Edo people into your contemporary attire?


The Edo Uchiwa, which was born in Nihonbashi, Edo, is made from a single piece of split bamboo, including the handle and the bone.

The printing block is based on an Ukiyoe woodblock print.IbasenToyokuni Utagawa's Edo Uchiwa, printed and produced byround fanare also for viewing.

personalization (e.g. of a book)folding fanHow to order

The perfect gift for those who have helped you.

Edofolding fan・Shikebiki fanClothfolding fanYour name will be placed on the

(However, please note that the name of thefolding fanHowever, sandalwood, sandalwood, rosewood, and cypress fans cannot be inked.

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