History of Uchiwa|Changes in usage and the three major types of Uchiwa in Japan

The sight of people fanning themselves with uchiwa fans to cool off has become a summer tradition. They are also popular as an item to add color to summer kimonos and yukata kimonos. What is the history of uchiwa fans before they took root in Japanese life? This article explains how Uchiwa originated in Japan and how their use has changed over the years. We will also introduce some historical uchiwa, such as the three most famous uchiwa in Japan. Please read this article to further enjoy the familiar Uchiwa.

Origin and Etymology of Uchiwa

How did the uchiwa, which is now a part of Japanese daily life, originate? And what is the origin of the word "Uchiwa"? First, let us give you a basic knowledge of the history of Uchiwa.

Origin of Uchiwa

Uchiwa is said to have originated from "shades" introduced from China (Zhou Dynasty) in the 3rd century B.C. The shades have long handles, and the fan part is made of bird feathers. The shades had long handles, and the fan surface was made of bird feathers. It is believed to have been used by aristocrats and other people of high rank to hide their faces, rather than for cooling off as it is used today.

Etymology of Uchiwa

The name "Uchiwa" is thought to have changed from "Utsuha" to "Uchiwa. Some people believe that the word "uchiwa" was derived from the action of swatting away flies, mosquitoes, and other insects, and also from the action of beating away misfortune. The word "uchiwa" is also thought to be derived from "uchiwaround fanThe Chinese character for "uchiwa" is Chinese, to which the reading "uchiwa" was applied. The character for "dan" means round, and the character for "fan" means the wind that occurs when a door is opened and closed in a guan-yin style.

History of Uchiwa and Changes in Usage

Uchiwa fans were introduced to Japan from China and have been used since ancient times, but what is the history of uchiwa fans before they took on their current form and usage? Here we introduce the history of uchiwa fans from ancient times to the present day, and the changes in their usage.

The Primitive Era

The earliest Japanese uchiwa materials are excavated artifacts and wall paintings from the Yayoi Period and Kofun Period. At that time, it is believed that the shades, the origin of uchiwa, were introduced from China (Zhou), and wooden utensils in the shape of uchiwa were found. Based on the murals painted on the tomb mound, it is believed that these tools were used for ceremonial purposes.

Ancient (Asuka, Nara, Heian)

Uchiwa gradually developed over time. In the Nara and Heian periods, decorative uchiwa fans and large uchiwa fans were made for aristocrats and other people of high rank. These uchiwa were used to keep cool, hide one's face, and decorate. On the other hand, the common people began to use uchiwa fans, which were light and easy to use.

Medieval Period (Kamakura, Muromachi, Sengoku)

Toward the end of the Muromachi period (1333-1573), uchiwa began to approach its present form. The structure was changed to one made of bone and paper, which was the basis of the modern uchiwa, and it became even lighter and easier to use. During the Warring States Period, uchiwa were used by warlords as "military bannersround fan(The "Gunbai" (military fan) was created by the warlords. Gunbaiwaround fanThe military commander used it to command the warriors in battle. In modern times, the military standardround fanis used by sumo gyoji as a tool for instructing rikishi to stand and make decisions.

Early Modern Period (Edo)

The Edo period (1603-1868) was a time when uchiwa became widely popular among the general public. Uchiwa came to be used in various aspects of daily life, such as to keep cool and to create a breeze for cooking. Furthermore, the design of uchiwa also developed during the Edo period. With the development of woodblock printing technologyround fanThe development of woodblock printing technology made it possible to mass-produce pictures, and ukiyoe and portraits of actors began to be drawn on uchiwa fans. The appearance of uchiwa fans with ingenious designs made them popular not only as a practical tool, but also as an item for enjoying fashion.


A long-established manufacturer of uchiwa fans, UchiwaIbasenbegan manufacturing them in the middle of the Edo period. At that timeIbasenThe uchiwa fans made from bamboo and washi paper were eventually called "Edoround fanThe product eventually became known as "Edo Uchiwa". Uchiwa fans decorated with Ukiyoe became popular in the late Edo period,IbasenUchiwa became the publisher of popular Ukiyoe artists such as Toyokuni Utagawa I, Kuniyoshi Utagawa, and Hiroshige Utagawa.

Edoround fan

Modern to contemporary

In the Meiji period (1868-1912), the use of Uchiwa as an advertising medium became popular. As is often seen in modern campaigns, advertisements were placed on the fan surface of uchiwa fans and distributed to a large number of people. Such fan advertisements were used by companies and temples and shrines of the time. On the other hand, some uchiwa fans continue to be produced as works of art and crafts, such as those with beautiful paintings on the fan surface. In this way, uchiwa have become an important part of Japanese life and culture over the course of its long history.

Historic and traditional Japan's three major types of Uchiwa

The most famous traditional Japanese uchiwa production areas are the southern part of the Boso Peninsula in Chiba Prefecture, Marugame in Kagawa Prefecture, and Kyoto Prefecture. Uchiwa made in these three regions are known as "Japan's Three Great Uchiwa. Finally, we will introduce the history and characteristics of the three major Japanese Uchiwa.

Boshu Uchiwa

Boshu Uchiwa are made in the southern part of the Boso Peninsula in Chiba Prefecture. This area was once called Awa Province (Boshu) and was a bamboo-producing region. When fan production began in the Kanto region during the Edo period (1603-1867), Boshu supported the production as a bamboo production center, but by the Meiji period (1868-1912), uchiwa were also being made in Boshu. Later, when Tokyo's fan wholesalers were damaged by the Great Kanto Earthquake, production was expanded by wholesalers who moved to Boshu. Boshu Uchiwa are characterized by the "marue" pattern, which makes use of the round shape of the bamboo, and the "saki-dake" window (the part of the Uchiwa not covered with paper), which is made by splitting the bamboo into small pieces.

Marugame Uchiwa

Marugame Uchiwa are made in the Marugame area of Kagawa Prefecture. In the early Edo period (1603-1867), uchiwa were invented in Marugame as a souvenir for "Konpira mairi," a pilgrimage to Konpira Shrine. The souvenir uchiwa is said to be a featherround fanThe design of the souvenir uchiwa has the word "Kin" written in circled letters in vermilion-red, in reference to the feathers that are believed to be possessed by the powerful Tengu. These uchiwa became popular as souvenirs, which led to the development of Marugame uchiwa. With many craftsmen living in the area and materials available nearby, Marugame boasts a large share, 90%, of the total production of Uchiwa in Japan. The characteristics of Uchiwa fans from all over Japan are gathered in the region, and a wide variety of shapes and designs are produced.

Kyoto Uchiwa

Kyo-uchiwa are made in the Kyoto area. The characteristics of the region, where a rich court culture has taken root over the past thousand years, are reflected in the uchiwa. The origin of today's Kyo Uchiwa is believed to be the "Gosho Uchiwa" made by painters of the Tosa and Kano schools who worked for the Imperial Court. The characteristic feature of this type of fan is a structure called a "sashie," in which the handle is attached later, separately from the fan's middle bone. The number of middle bones can be as many as 50 to 100, and the larger the number of bones, the higher the quality of the fan. In addition, decorative fans made of high-quality materials, lacquered or gilded, and otherwise highly valued as works of art or crafts are also produced.

The history of Uchiwa will bring you even more enjoyment!

So far, we have reported on the origin and etymology of Uchiwa, its history and changes in usage, and the characteristics of Japan's "three major Uchiwa" with a long history. Uchiwa are a familiar part of our daily lives, whether we visit a summer festival with an Uchiwa in hand or receive one from a campaign on the street. The usage of uchiwa fans, which is now taken for granted, was born over a long period of history and eventually took root in people's daily lives. Knowing the history of uchiwa fans makes their use even more enjoyable. A long-established manufacturer of UchiwaIbasenWe have a long-established shop, Uchiwaround fanEdo" with pictures from the Edo period.round fanwhich is decorated with pictures from the Edo period. If you are looking for a stylish fan with a sense of tradition, please visit our online store.