Edo Senko No.24 Double-sided Pattern Dragonfly Blue

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Dragonflies have been regarded as valuable beneficial insects that remove harmful insects and symbolize a good harvest.

Since dragonflies only move forward and do not retreat, they were called "kachimushi" (victory bugs) by warriors, and were also valued as good-luck insects. For this reason, it can be seen on many ornaments, such as armors and costumes.

The pattern is printed on both sides.

What is "hanjimono"?

A "hanjimono" is a kind of riddle. It is a riddle to solve the meaning of a character or picture that has been written under the guise of a certain significance. To guess the meaning of a hidden word or thing.

Product Details:

7.5" (22.5cm) Bamboo

Made by Ijasen

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フロント形状 *
車種※必須 例) C-HR *
年式※必須 例)2020年6月 *
その他情報   例)ガソリン車、4WDなど
オーバーロック糸カラー *
オーバーステッチ糸カラー *

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